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To give you the best possible chance of being successful with your award submission we’ve put together some useful tips that should assist you in writing a compelling award entry

Choose the right category

Carefully consider the award scheme/category that you enter. Consider entering categories you think might attract less entrants to give yourself a higher chance of being successful with your submission. You can give yourself a better chance of being shortlisted/winning by entering more than one relevant category.

Communicate with clarity

Our awards team will receive multiple entries so following on from the last point your answers should be clear, concise and focused with easy to understand copy. Your answers must make it easy for them to make sense of your entry. Create a narrative that clearly explains what sets you apart and make your entry a good read. If you are passionate about what you do, tell us. Write with verve, avoid jargon, inflated claims that you can’t back up and try not to use unexplained acronyms.

Assign somebody to do the job

We have found that it can be useful to designate someone within your organisation as the awards coordinator that is responsible for collating information, checking facts, and writing the submission. Having a specific point of contact for us can be useful if we need to contact you.

Proof read your entry

Please check through what you have written to ensure that there are no mistakes. Typos and mistakes can make your submission look sloppy and unprofessional. Thoroughly check spelling, grammar and punctuation.

If you’d like more information about how to enter, get in touch today.

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